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C++ Utility Class Browsing and Dumping the StdAir BOM Tree
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Import section
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// STL
#include <cassert>
#include <ostream>
// StdAir
namespace stdair {
struct FlagSaver {
FlagSaver (std::ostream& oStream)
: _oStream (oStream), _streamFlags (oStream.flags()) {
~FlagSaver() {
// Reset formatting flags of the given output stream
_oStream.flags (_streamFlags);
std::ostream& _oStream;
std::ios::fmtflags _streamFlags;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::list (std::ostream& oStream, const BomRoot& iBomRoot,
const AirlineCode_T& iAirlineCode,
const FlightNumber_T& iFlightNumber) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
// Check whether there are Inventory objects
if (BomManager::hasList<Inventory> (iBomRoot) == false) {
// Browse the inventories
unsigned short invIdx = 1;
const InventoryList_T& lInventoryList =
BomManager::getList<Inventory> (iBomRoot);
for (InventoryList_T::const_iterator itInv = lInventoryList.begin();
itInv != lInventoryList.end(); ++itInv, ++invIdx) {
const Inventory* lInv_ptr = *itInv;
assert (lInv_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the inventory key (airline code)
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = lInv_ptr->getAirlineCode();
// Display only the requested inventories
if (iAirlineCode == "all" || iAirlineCode == lAirlineCode) {
// Get the list of flight-dates for that inventory
list (oStream, *lInv_ptr, invIdx, iFlightNumber);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::list (std::ostream& oStream, const Inventory& iInventory,
const unsigned short iInventoryIndex,
const FlightNumber_T& iFlightNumber) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
// Check whether there are FlightDate objects
if (BomManager::hasMap<FlightDate> (iInventory) == false) {
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iInventory.getAirlineCode();
oStream << iInventoryIndex << ". " << lAirlineCode << std::endl;
// Browse the flight-dates
unsigned short lCurrentFlightNumber = 0;
unsigned short flightNumberIdx = 0;
unsigned short departureDateIdx = 1;
const FlightDateMap_T& lFlightDateList =
BomManager::getMap<FlightDate> (iInventory);
for (FlightDateMap_T::const_iterator itFD = lFlightDateList.begin();
itFD != lFlightDateList.end(); ++itFD, ++departureDateIdx) {
const FlightDate* lFD_ptr = itFD->second;
assert (lFD_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the flight-date
const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = lFD_ptr->getFlightNumber();
const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = lFD_ptr->getDepartureDate();
// Display only the requested flight number
if (iFlightNumber == 0 || iFlightNumber == lFlightNumber) {
if (lCurrentFlightNumber != lFlightNumber) {
lCurrentFlightNumber = lFlightNumber;
++flightNumberIdx; departureDateIdx = 1;
oStream << " " << iInventoryIndex << "." << flightNumberIdx << ". "
<< lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << std::endl;
oStream << " " << iInventoryIndex << "." << flightNumberIdx
<< "." << departureDateIdx << ". "
<< lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << " / " << lFlightDateDate
<< std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::listAirportPairDateRange (std::ostream& oStream,
const BomRoot& iBomRoot) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
// Check whether there are AirportPair objects
if (BomManager::hasList<AirportPair> (iBomRoot) == false) {
const AirportPairList_T& lAirportPairList =
BomManager::getList<AirportPair> (iBomRoot);
for (AirportPairList_T::const_iterator itAir = lAirportPairList.begin();
itAir != lAirportPairList.end(); ++itAir ) {
const AirportPair* lAir_ptr = *itAir;
assert (lAir_ptr != NULL);
// Check whether there are date-period objects
assert (BomManager::hasList<DatePeriod> (*lAir_ptr) == true);
// Browse the date-period objects
const DatePeriodList_T& lDatePeriodList =
BomManager::getList<DatePeriod> (*lAir_ptr);
for (DatePeriodList_T::const_iterator itDP = lDatePeriodList.begin();
itDP != lDatePeriodList.end(); ++itDP) {
const DatePeriod* lDP_ptr = *itDP;
assert (lDP_ptr != NULL);
// Display the date-period object
oStream << lAir_ptr->describeKey()
<<" / " << lDP_ptr->describeKey() << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const BomRoot& iBomRoot) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << std::endl;
oStream << "==============================================================="
<< std::endl;
oStream << "BomRoot: " << iBomRoot.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "==============================================================="
<< std::endl;
// Check whether there are Inventory objects
if (BomManager::hasList<Inventory> (iBomRoot) == false) {
// Browse the inventories
const InventoryList_T& lInventoryList =
BomManager::getList<Inventory> (iBomRoot);
for (InventoryList_T::const_iterator itInv = lInventoryList.begin();
itInv != lInventoryList.end(); ++itInv) {
const Inventory* lInv_ptr = *itInv;
assert (lInv_ptr != NULL);
// Display the inventory
csvDisplay (oStream, *lInv_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const Inventory& iInventory) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
oStream << "Inventory: " << iInventory.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
// Check whether there are FlightDate objects
if (BomManager::hasList<FlightDate> (iInventory) == false) {
// Browse the flight-dates
const FlightDateList_T& lFlightDateList =
BomManager::getList<FlightDate> (iInventory);
for (FlightDateList_T::const_iterator itFD = lFlightDateList.begin();
itFD != lFlightDateList.end(); ++itFD) {
const FlightDate* lFD_ptr = *itFD;
assert (lFD_ptr != NULL);
// Display the flight-date
csvDisplay (oStream, *lFD_ptr);
// Check if the inventory contains a list of partners
if (BomManager::hasList<Inventory> (iInventory)){
// Browse the partner's inventories
const InventoryList_T& lPartnerInventoryList =
BomManager::getList<Inventory> (iInventory);
for (InventoryList_T::const_iterator itInv = lPartnerInventoryList.begin();
itInv != lPartnerInventoryList.end(); ++itInv) {
oStream << "-------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Partner inventory:" << std::endl;
oStream << "-------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
const Inventory* lInv_ptr = *itInv;
assert (lInv_ptr != NULL);
// Display the inventory
csvDisplay (oStream, *lInv_ptr);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << std::endl;
// Check if the inventory contains a list of O&D dates
if (BomManager::hasList<OnDDate> (iInventory)){
//Browse the O&Ds
const OnDDateList_T& lOnDDateList =
BomManager::getList<OnDDate> (iInventory);
for (OnDDateList_T::const_iterator itOnD = lOnDDateList.begin();
itOnD != lOnDDateList.end(); ++itOnD) {
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "O&D-Date:" << std::endl;
oStream << "----------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Airline, Date, Origin-Destination, Segments, " << std::endl;
const OnDDate* lOnDDate_ptr = *itOnD;
assert (lOnDDate_ptr != NULL);
// Display the O&D date
csvDisplay (oStream, *lOnDDate_ptr);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const OnDDate& iOnDDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iOnDDate.getAirlineCode();
const Date_T& lDate = iOnDDate.getDate();
const AirportCode_T& lOrigin = iOnDDate.getOrigin();
const AirportCode_T& lDestination = iOnDDate.getDestination();
oStream << lAirlineCode <<", " << lDate << ", "<< lOrigin << "-"
<< lDestination << ", " << iOnDDate.describeKey() << ", "
<< std::endl;
const StringDemandStructMap_T& lDemandInfoMap =
// Check if the map contains information.
const bool isInfoMapEmpty = lDemandInfoMap.empty();
if (isInfoMapEmpty) {
assert (lDemandInfoMap.empty() ==false);
oStream << "----------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Cabin-Class path, Demand mean, Demand std dev, Yield, "
<< std::endl;
for (StringDemandStructMap_T::const_iterator itDI = lDemandInfoMap.begin();
itDI != lDemandInfoMap.end(); ++itDI) {
const std::string& lCabinClassPath = itDI->first;
const YieldDemandPair_T lYieldDemandPair =
const Yield_T lYield = lYieldDemandPair.first;
const MeanStdDevPair_T lMeanStdDevPair =
const MeanValue_T lDemandMean = lMeanStdDevPair.first;
const StdDevValue_T lDemandStdDev = lMeanStdDevPair.second;
oStream << lCabinClassPath << ", "
<< lDemandMean << ", "
<< lDemandStdDev << ", "
<< lYield << ", "
<< std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "FlightDate: " << lAirlineCode << iFlightDate.describeKey()
<< std::endl;
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
csvSegmentDateDisplay (oStream, iFlightDate);
csvLegDateDisplay (oStream, iFlightDate);
csvLegCabinDisplay (oStream, iFlightDate);
csvBucketDisplay (oStream, iFlightDate);
csvFareFamilyDisplay (oStream, iFlightDate);
csvBookingClassDisplay (oStream, iFlightDate);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvLegDateDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "Leg-Dates:" << std::endl
<< "----------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Flight, Leg, BoardDate, BoardTime, "
<< "OffDate, OffTime, Date Offset, Time Offset, Elapsed, "
<< "Distance, Capacity, " << std::endl;
// Retrieve the key of the flight-date
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = iFlightDate.getFlightNumber();
const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = iFlightDate.getDepartureDate();
// Check whether there are LegDate objects
if (BomManager::hasList<LegDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
// Browse the leg-dates
const LegDateList_T& lLegDateList =
BomManager::getList<LegDate> (iFlightDate);
for (LegDateList_T::const_iterator itLD = lLegDateList.begin();
itLD != lLegDateList.end(); ++itLD) {
const LegDate* lLD_ptr = *itLD;
assert (lLD_ptr != NULL);
oStream << lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << " "
<< lFlightDateDate << ", ";
oStream << lLD_ptr->getBoardingPoint() << "-"
<< lLD_ptr->getOffPoint() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getBoardingDate() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getBoardingTime() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getOffDate() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getOffTime() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getElapsedTime() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getDateOffset().days() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getTimeOffset() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getDistance() << ", "
<< lLD_ptr->getCapacity() << ", " << std::endl;
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvSegmentDateDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "SegmentDates:" << std::endl
<< "----------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Flight, Segment, Date"
<< std::endl;
// Retrieve the key of the flight-date
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = iFlightDate.getFlightNumber();
const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = iFlightDate.getDepartureDate();
// Check whether there are SegmentDate objects
if (BomManager::hasList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
// Browse the segment-dates
const SegmentDateList_T& lSegmentDateList =
BomManager::getList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate);
for (SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itSD = lSegmentDateList.begin();
itSD != lSegmentDateList.end(); ++itSD) {
const SegmentDate* lSD_ptr = *itSD;
assert (lSD_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the segment-date, as well as its dates
const Date_T& lSegmentDateDate = lSD_ptr->getBoardingDate();
const AirportCode_T& lBoardPoint = lSD_ptr->getBoardingPoint();
const AirportCode_T& lOffPoint = lSD_ptr->getOffPoint();
oStream << lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << " " << lFlightDateDate << ", "
<< lBoardPoint << "-" << lOffPoint << ", " << lSegmentDateDate << std::endl;
// Check if the current segment has corresponding marketing segments.
const bool hasMarketingSDList = BomManager::hasList<SegmentDate>(*lSD_ptr);
if (hasMarketingSDList == true) {
const SegmentDateList_T& lMarketingSDList = BomManager::getList<SegmentDate>(*lSD_ptr);
oStream << " *** Marketed by ";
for (SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itMarketingSD = lMarketingSDList.begin();
itMarketingSD != lMarketingSDList.end(); ++itMarketingSD) {
SegmentDate* lMarketingSD_ptr = <em>itMarketingSD;
FlightDate</em> lMarketingFD_ptr = BomManager::getParentPtr<FlightDate>(<em>lMarketingSD_ptr);
Inventory</em> lMarketingInv_ptr = BomManager::getParentPtr<Inventory>(*lMarketingFD_ptr);
oStream << lMarketingInv_ptr->toString() << lMarketingFD_ptr->toString() <<" * ";
// Check if the current segment is operated by another segment date.
const SegmentDate* lOperatingSD_ptr = lSD_ptr->getOperatingSegmentDate ();
if (lOperatingSD_ptr != NULL) {
const FlightDate* lOperatingFD_ptr = BomManager::getParentPtr<FlightDate>(<em>lOperatingSD_ptr);
const Inventory</em> lOperatingInv_ptr = BomManager::getParentPtr<Inventory>(<em>lOperatingFD_ptr);
oStream << " **</em> Operated by " << lOperatingInv_ptr->toString()
<< lOperatingFD_ptr->toString() << std::endl;
oStream << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvLegCabinDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "LegCabins:" << std::endl
<< "----------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Flight, Leg, Cabin, "
<< "OffedCAP, PhyCAP, RgdADJ, AU, UPR, SS, Staff, WL, Group, "
<< "CommSpace, AvPool, Avl, NAV, GAV, ACP, ETB, BidPrice, "
<< std::endl;
// Retrieve the key of the flight-date
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = iFlightDate.getFlightNumber();
const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = iFlightDate.getDepartureDate();
// Check whether there are LegDate objects
if (BomManager::hasList<LegDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
// Browse the leg-dates
const LegDateList_T& lLegDateList =
BomManager::getList<LegDate> (iFlightDate);
for (LegDateList_T::const_iterator itLD = lLegDateList.begin();
itLD != lLegDateList.end(); ++itLD) {
const LegDate* lLD_ptr = *itLD;
assert (lLD_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the leg-date, as well as its off point
const Date_T& lLegDateDate = lLD_ptr->getBoardingDate();
const AirportCode_T& lBoardPoint = lLD_ptr->getBoardingPoint();
const AirportCode_T& lOffPoint = lLD_ptr->getOffPoint();
// Browse the leg-cabins
const LegCabinList_T& lLegCabinList =
BomManager::getList<LegCabin> (<em>lLD_ptr);
for (LegCabinList_T::const_iterator itLC = lLegCabinList.begin();
itLC != lLegCabinList.end(); ++itLC) {
const LegCabin</em> lLC_ptr = *itLC;
assert (lLC_ptr != NULL);
oStream << lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << " "
<< lFlightDateDate << ", ";
oStream << lBoardPoint << "-" << lOffPoint
<< " " << lLegDateDate << ", ";
oStream << lLC_ptr->getCabinCode() << ", ";
oStream << lLC_ptr->getOfferedCapacity() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getPhysicalCapacity() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getRegradeAdjustment() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getAuthorizationLevel() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getUPR() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getSoldSeat() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getStaffNbOfSeats() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getWLNbOfSeats() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getGroupNbOfSeats() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getCommittedSpace() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getAvailabilityPool() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getAvailability() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getNetAvailability() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getGrossAvailability() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getAvgCancellationPercentage() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getETB() << ", "
<< lLC_ptr->getCurrentBidPrice() << ", "
<< std::endl;
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvSegmentCabinDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvFareFamilyDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "SegmentCabins:" << std::endl
<< "--------------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Flight, Segment, Cabin, FF, Bkgs, MIN, UPR, "
<< "CommSpace, AvPool, BP, " << std::endl;
// Retrieve the key of the flight-date
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = iFlightDate.getFlightNumber();
const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = iFlightDate.getDepartureDate();
// Check whether there are SegmentDate objects
if (BomManager::hasList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
// Browse the segment-dates
const SegmentDateList_T& lSegmentDateList =
BomManager::getList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate);
for (SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itSD = lSegmentDateList.begin();
itSD != lSegmentDateList.end(); ++itSD) {
const SegmentDate* lSD_ptr = *itSD;
assert (lSD_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the segment-date, as well as its dates
const Date_T& lSegmentDateDate = lSD_ptr->getBoardingDate();
const AirportCode_T& lBoardPoint = lSD_ptr->getBoardingPoint();
const AirportCode_T& lOffPoint = lSD_ptr->getOffPoint();
// Browse the segment-cabins
const SegmentCabinList_T& lSegmentCabinList =
BomManager::getList<SegmentCabin> (<em>lSD_ptr);
for (SegmentCabinList_T::const_iterator itSC = lSegmentCabinList.begin();
itSC != lSegmentCabinList.end(); ++itSC) {
const SegmentCabin</em> lSC_ptr = *itSC;
assert (lSC_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the segment-cabin
const CabinCode_T& lCabinCode = lSC_ptr->getCabinCode();
// Check whether there are fare family objects
if (BomManager::hasList<FareFamily> (*lSC_ptr) == false) {
// Browse the fare families
const FareFamilyList_T& lFareFamilyList =
BomManager::getList<FareFamily> (<em>lSC_ptr);
for (FareFamilyList_T::const_iterator itFF = lFareFamilyList.begin();
itFF != lFareFamilyList.end(); ++itFF) {
const FareFamily</em> lFF_ptr = *itFF;
assert (lFF_ptr != NULL);
oStream << lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << " "
<< lFlightDateDate << ", ";
oStream << lBoardPoint << "-" << lOffPoint << " "
<< lSegmentDateDate << ", ";
oStream << lCabinCode << ", " << lFF_ptr->getFamilyCode() << ", ";
oStream << lSC_ptr->getBookingCounter() << ", "
<< lSC_ptr->getMIN() << ", "
<< lSC_ptr->getUPR() << ", "
<< lSC_ptr->getCommittedSpace() << ", "
<< lSC_ptr->getAvailabilityPool() << ", "
<< lSC_ptr->getCurrentBidPrice() << ", "
<< std::endl;
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvBucketDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "Buckets:" << std::endl
<< "--------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Flight, Leg, Cabin, Yield, AU/SI, SS, AV, "
<< std::endl;
// Retrieve the key of the flight-date
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = iFlightDate.getFlightNumber();
const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = iFlightDate.getDepartureDate();
// Check whether there are LegDate objects
if (BomManager::hasList<LegDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
// Browse the leg-dates
const LegDateList_T& lLegDateList =
BomManager::getList<LegDate> (iFlightDate);
for (LegDateList_T::const_iterator itLD = lLegDateList.begin();
itLD != lLegDateList.end(); ++itLD) {
const LegDate* lLD_ptr = *itLD;
assert (lLD_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the leg-date, as well as its off point
const Date_T& lLegDateDate = lLD_ptr->getBoardingDate();
const AirportCode_T& lBoardPoint = lLD_ptr->getBoardingPoint();
const AirportCode_T& lOffPoint = lLD_ptr->getOffPoint();
// Browse the leg-cabins
const LegCabinList_T& lLegCabinList =
BomManager::getList<LegCabin> (<em>lLD_ptr);
for (LegCabinList_T::const_iterator itLC = lLegCabinList.begin();
itLC != lLegCabinList.end(); ++itLC) {
const LegCabin</em> lLC_ptr = *itLC;
assert (lLC_ptr != NULL);
// Check whether there are bucket objects
if (BomManager::hasList<Bucket> (*lLC_ptr) == false) {
// Retrieve the key of the leg-cabin
const CabinCode_T& lCabinCode = lLC_ptr->getCabinCode();
// Browse the buckets
const BucketList_T& lBucketList = BomManager::getList<Bucket> (<em>lLC_ptr);
for (BucketList_T::const_iterator itBuck = lBucketList.begin();
itBuck != lBucketList.end(); ++itBuck) {
const Bucket</em> lBucket_ptr = *itBuck;
assert (lBucket_ptr != NULL);
oStream << lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << " "
<< lFlightDateDate << ", ";
oStream << lBoardPoint << "-" << lOffPoint << " "
<< lLegDateDate << ", " << lCabinCode << ", ";
oStream << lBucket_ptr->getYieldRangeUpperValue() << ", "
<< lBucket_ptr->getSeatIndex() << ", "
<< lBucket_ptr->getSoldSeats() << ", "
<< lBucket_ptr->getAvailability() << ", ";
oStream << std::endl;
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvBookingClassDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const BookingClass& iBookingClass,
const std::string& iLeadingString) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << iLeadingString << iBookingClass.getClassCode();
if (iBookingClass.getSubclassCode() == 0) {
oStream << ", ";
} else {
oStream << iBookingClass.getSubclassCode() << ", ";
oStream << iBookingClass.getAuthorizationLevel() << " ("
<< iBookingClass.getProtection() << "), "
<< iBookingClass.getNegotiatedSpace() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getNoShowPercentage() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getCancellationPercentage() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getNbOfBookings() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getNbOfGroupBookings() << " ("
<< iBookingClass.getNbOfPendingGroupBookings() << "), "
<< iBookingClass.getNbOfStaffBookings() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getNbOfWLBookings() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getETB() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getNetClassAvailability() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getNetRevenueAvailability() << ", "
<< iBookingClass.getSegmentAvailability() << ", "
<< std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvBookingClassDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FlightDate& iFlightDate) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
// Headers
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "Subclasses:" << std::endl
<< "-----------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Flight, Segment, Cabin, FF, Subclass, MIN/AU (Prot), "
<< "Nego, NS%, OB%, "
<< "Bkgs, GrpBks (pdg), StfBkgs, WLBkgs, ETB, "
<< "ClassAvl, RevAvl, SegAvl, "
<< std::endl;
// Retrieve the key of the flight-date
const AirlineCode_T& lAirlineCode = iFlightDate.getAirlineCode();
const FlightNumber_T& lFlightNumber = iFlightDate.getFlightNumber();
const Date_T& lFlightDateDate = iFlightDate.getDepartureDate();
// Check whether there are SegmentDate objects
if (BomManager::hasList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate) == false) {
// Browse the segment-dates
const SegmentDateList_T& lSegmentDateList =
BomManager::getList<SegmentDate> (iFlightDate);
for (SegmentDateList_T::const_iterator itSD = lSegmentDateList.begin();
itSD != lSegmentDateList.end(); ++itSD) {
const SegmentDate* lSD_ptr = *itSD;
assert (lSD_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the segment-date, as well as its dates
const Date_T& lSegmentDateDate = lSD_ptr->getBoardingDate();
const AirportCode_T& lBoardPoint = lSD_ptr->getBoardingPoint();
const AirportCode_T& lOffPoint = lSD_ptr->getOffPoint();
// Browse the segment-cabins
const SegmentCabinList_T& lSegmentCabinList =
BomManager::getList<SegmentCabin> (<em>lSD_ptr);
for (SegmentCabinList_T::const_iterator itSC = lSegmentCabinList.begin();
itSC != lSegmentCabinList.end(); ++itSC) {
const SegmentCabin</em> lSC_ptr = *itSC;
assert (lSC_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the segment-cabin
const CabinCode_T& lCabinCode = lSC_ptr->getCabinCode();
// Build the leading string to be displayed
std::ostringstream oSCLeadingStr;
oSCLeadingStr << lAirlineCode << lFlightNumber << " "
<< lFlightDateDate << ", "
<< lBoardPoint << "-" << lOffPoint << " "
<< lSegmentDateDate << ", "
<< lCabinCode << ", ";
// Default Fare Family code, when there are no FF
FamilyCode_T lFamilyCode ("NoFF");
// Check whether there are FareFamily objects
if (BomManager::hasList<FareFamily> (<em>lSC_ptr) == true) {
// Browse the fare families
const FareFamilyList_T& lFareFamilyList =
BomManager::getList<FareFamily> (*lSC_ptr);
for (FareFamilyList_T::const_iterator itFF = lFareFamilyList.begin();
itFF != lFareFamilyList.end(); ++itFF) {
const FareFamily</em> lFF_ptr = *itFF;
assert (lFF_ptr != NULL);
// Retrieve the key of the segment-cabin
lFamilyCode = lFF_ptr->getFamilyCode();
// Complete the leading string to be displayed
std::ostringstream oFFLeadingStr;
oFFLeadingStr << oSCLeadingStr.str() << lFamilyCode << ", ";
// Browse the booking-classes
const BookingClassList_T& lBookingClassList =
BomManager::getList<BookingClass> (<em>lFF_ptr);
for (BookingClassList_T::const_iterator itBC =
itBC != lBookingClassList.end(); ++itBC) {
const BookingClass</em> lBC_ptr = *itBC;
assert (lBC_ptr != NULL);
csvBookingClassDisplay (oStream, *lBC_ptr, oFFLeadingStr.str());
// Go on to the next segment-cabin
assert (BomManager::hasList<FareFamily> (*lSC_ptr) == false);
// The fare family code is a fake one ('NoFF'), and therefore
// does not vary
std::ostringstream oFFLeadingStr;
oFFLeadingStr << oSCLeadingStr.str() << lFamilyCode << ", ";
// Browse the booking-classes, directly from the segment-cabin object
const BookingClassList_T& lBookingClassList =
BomManager::getList<BookingClass> (<em>lSC_ptr);
for (BookingClassList_T::const_iterator itBC =
itBC != lBookingClassList.end(); ++itBC) {
const BookingClass</em> lBC_ptr = *itBC;
assert (lBC_ptr != NULL);
csvBookingClassDisplay (oStream, *lBC_ptr, oFFLeadingStr.str());
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
csvDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const TravelSolutionList_T& iTravelSolutionList) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "Travel solutions:";
unsigned short idx = 0;
for (TravelSolutionList_T::const_iterator itTS =
itTS != iTravelSolutionList.end(); ++itTS, ++idx) {
const TravelSolutionStruct& lTS = *itTS;
oStream << std::endl;
oStream << " [" << idx << "] " << lTS.display();
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
csvDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const DatePeriodList_T& iDatePeriodList) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
// Browse the date-period objects
for (DatePeriodList_T::const_iterator itDP = iDatePeriodList.begin();
itDP != iDatePeriodList.end(); ++itDP) {
const DatePeriod* lDP_ptr = *itDP;
assert (lDP_ptr != NULL);
// Display the date-period object
csvDateDisplay (oStream, *lDP_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvSimFQTAirRACDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const BomRoot& iBomRoot) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << std::endl;
oStream << "==============================================================="
<< std::endl;
oStream << "BomRoot: " << iBomRoot.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "==============================================================="
<< std::endl;
// Check whether there are airport-pair objects
if (BomManager::hasList<AirportPair> (iBomRoot) == false) {
// Browse the airport-pair objects
const AirportPairList_T& lAirportPairList =
BomManager::getList<AirportPair> (iBomRoot);
for (AirportPairList_T::const_iterator itAir = lAirportPairList.begin();
itAir != lAirportPairList.end(); ++itAir ) {
const AirportPair* lAir_ptr = *itAir;
assert (lAir_ptr != NULL);
// Display the airport pair object
csvAirportPairDisplay (oStream, *lAir_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvAirportPairDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const AirportPair& iAirportPair) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
oStream << "AirportPair: " << iAirportPair.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
// Check whether there are date-period objects
if (BomManager::hasList<DatePeriod> (iAirportPair) == false) {
// Browse the date-period objects
const DatePeriodList_T& lDatePeriodList =
BomManager::getList<DatePeriod> (iAirportPair);
for (DatePeriodList_T::const_iterator itDP = lDatePeriodList.begin();
itDP != lDatePeriodList.end(); ++itDP) {
const DatePeriod* lDP_ptr = *itDP;
assert (lDP_ptr != NULL);
// Display the date-period object
csvDateDisplay (oStream, *lDP_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvDateDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const DatePeriod& iDatePeriod) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
oStream << "DatePeriod: " << iDatePeriod.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// Check whether there are pos-channel objects
if (BomManager::hasList<PosChannel> (iDatePeriod) == false) {
// Browse the pos-channel objects
const PosChannelList_T& lPosChannelList =
BomManager::getList<PosChannel> (iDatePeriod);
for (PosChannelList_T::const_iterator itPC = lPosChannelList.begin();
itPC != lPosChannelList.end(); ++itPC) {
const PosChannel* lPC_ptr = *itPC;
assert (lPC_ptr != NULL);
// Display the pos-channel object
csvPosChannelDisplay (oStream, *lPC_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvPosChannelDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const PosChannel& iPosChannel) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
oStream << "PosChannel: " << iPosChannel.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "******************************************" << std::endl;
// Check whether there are time-period objects
if (BomManager::hasList<TimePeriod> (iPosChannel) == false) {
// Browse the time-period objects
const TimePeriodList_T& lTimePeriodList =
BomManager::getList<TimePeriod> (iPosChannel);
for (TimePeriodList_T::const_iterator itTP = lTimePeriodList.begin();
itTP != lTimePeriodList.end(); ++itTP) {
const TimePeriod* lTP_ptr = *itTP;
assert (lTP_ptr != NULL);
// Display the time-period object
csvTimeDisplay (oStream, *lTP_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void BomDisplay::csvTimeDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const TimePeriod& iTimePeriod) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
oStream << "TimePeriod: " << iTimePeriod.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// Only one of the fare/yield feature list exists. Each of the following
// two methods will check for the existence of the list. So, only the
// existing list will be actually displayed.
csvFeatureListDisplay<FareFeatures> (oStream, iTimePeriod);
csvFeatureListDisplay<YieldFeatures> (oStream, iTimePeriod);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FEATURE_TYPE>
void BomDisplay::csvFeatureListDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const TimePeriod& iTimePeriod) {
// Check whether there are fare/yield-feature objects
if (BomManager::hasList<FEATURE_TYPE> (iTimePeriod) == false) {
// Browse the fare/yield-feature objects
typedef typename BomHolder<FEATURE_TYPE>::BomList_T FeaturesList_T;
const FeaturesList_T& lFeaturesList =
BomManager::getList<FEATURE_TYPE> (iTimePeriod);
for (typename FeaturesList_T::const_iterator itFF = lFeaturesList.begin();
itFF != lFeaturesList.end(); ++itFF) {
const FEATURE_TYPE* lFF_ptr = *itFF;
assert (lFF_ptr != NULL);
// Display the fare-features object
csvFeaturesDisplay (oStream, *lFF_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename FEATURE_TYPE>
void BomDisplay::csvFeaturesDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const FEATURE_TYPE& iFeatures) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl;
oStream << "Fare/yield-Features: " << iFeatures.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// Check whether there are airlineClassList objects
if (BomManager::hasList<AirlineClassList> (iFeatures) == false) {
// Browse the airlineClassList objects
const AirlineClassListList_T& lAirlineClassListList =
BomManager::getList<AirlineClassList> (iFeatures);
for (AirlineClassListList_T::const_iterator itACL =
itACL != lAirlineClassListList.end(); ++itACL) {
const AirlineClassList* lACL_ptr = *itACL;
assert (lACL_ptr != NULL);
// Display the airlineClassList object
csvAirlineClassDisplay(oStream, *lACL_ptr);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
csvAirlineClassDisplay (std::ostream& oStream,
const AirlineClassList& iAirlineClassList) {
// Save the formatting flags for the given STL output stream
FlagSaver flagSaver (oStream);
oStream << "------------------------------------" << std::endl;
oStream << "AirlineClassList: "
<< iAirlineClassList.describeKey() << std::endl;
oStream << "------------------------------------" << std::endl;