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Command-Line Test to Demonstrate How To Extend StdAir BOM
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Import section
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// STL
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
// Boost MPL
#include <boost/mpl/push_back.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/at.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
// Boost Unit Test Framework (UTF)
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE StdAirTest
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103900
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#else // BOOST_VERSION >= 103900
#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
#include <boost/test/results_reporter.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test_suite.hpp>
#include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test_log.hpp>
#include <boost/test/framework.hpp>
#include <boost/test/detail/unit_test_parameters.hpp>
#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 103900
// Boost Serialisation
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
// StdAir
// StdAir Test Suite
namespace boost_utf = boost::unit_test;
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103900
// (Boost) Unit Test XML Report
std::ofstream utfReportStream ("StandardAirlineITTestSuite_utfresults.xml");
struct UnitTestConfig {
UnitTestConfig() {
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_stream (utfReportStream);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_format (boost_utf::XML);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_test_units);
// boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_successful_tests);
~UnitTestConfig() {
// /////////////// Main: Unit Test Suite //////////////
// Set the UTF configuration (re-direct the output to a specific file)
// Start the test suite
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE (master_test_suite)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (float_comparison_test) {
float a = 0.2f;
a = 5*a;
const float b = 1.0f;
// Test the Boost way
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (a == b, "The two floats (" << a << " and " << b
<< ") should be equal, but are not");
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE (a, b, 0.0001);
// Test the Google way
const FloatingPoint<float> lhs (a), rhs (b);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lhs.AlmostEquals (rhs),
"The two floats (" << a << " and " << b
<< ") should be equal, but are not");
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (mpl_structure_test) {
const stdair::ClassCode_T lBookingClassCodeA ("A");
const stdair_test::BookingClass lA (lBookingClassCodeA);
const stdair_test::Cabin lCabin (lA);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lCabin.toString(), lBookingClassCodeA);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lCabin.toString() == lBookingClassCodeA,
"The cabin key, '" << lCabin.toString()
<< "' is not equal to '" << lBookingClassCodeA << "'");
// MPL
typedef boost::mpl::vector<stdair_test::BookingClass> MPL_BookingClass;
typedef boost::mpl::push_back<MPL_BookingClass,
stdair_test::Cabin>::type types;
if (boost::is_same<stdair_test::BookingClass,
stdair_test::Cabin::child>::value == false) {
BOOST_ERROR ("The two types mut be equal, but are not");
if (boost::is_same<boost::mpl::at_c<types, 1>::type,
stdair_test::Cabin>::value == false) {
BOOST_ERROR ("The type must be stdair_test::Cabin, but is not");
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (stdair_service_initialisation_test) {
// Output log File
const std::string lLogFilename ("StandardAirlineITTestSuite_init.log");
// Set the log parameters
std::ofstream logOutputFile;
// Open and clean the log outputfile (lLogFilename.c_str());
// Initialise the stdair BOM
const stdair::BasLogParams lLogParams (stdair::LOG::DEBUG, logOutputFile);
stdair::STDAIR_Service stdairService (lLogParams);
// Retrieve (a reference on) the top of the persistent BOM tree
stdair::BomRoot& lPersistentBomRoot = stdairService.getPersistentBomRoot();
// Retrieve the BomRoot key, and compare it to the expected one
const std::string& lBomRootKeyStr = lPersistentBomRoot.describeKey();
const std::string lBomRootString (" -- ROOT -- ");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("The BOM root key is '" << lBomRootKeyStr
<< "'. It should be equal to '" << lBomRootString << "'");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lBomRootKeyStr, lBomRootString);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lBomRootKeyStr == lBomRootString,
"The BOM root key, '" << lBomRootKeyStr
<< "', should be equal to '" << lBomRootString
<< "', but is not.");
// Build a sample BOM tree
// DEBUG: Display the whole BOM tree
const std::string& lCSVDump = stdairService.csvDisplay ();
// Close the Log outputFile
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (bom_structure_instantiation_test) {
// Step 0.0: initialisation
// Create the root of a Bom tree (i.e., a BomRoot object)
stdair::BomRoot& lBomRoot =
// Step 0.1: Inventory level
// Create an Inventory (BA)
const stdair::AirlineCode_T lBAAirlineCode ("BA");
const stdair::InventoryKey lBAKey (lBAAirlineCode);
myprovider::Inventory& lBAInv =
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lBAInv.describeKey(), lBAAirlineCode);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lBAInv.describeKey() == lBAAirlineCode,
"The inventory key, '" << lBAInv.describeKey()
<< "', should be equal to '" << lBAAirlineCode
<< "', but is not");
// Create an Inventory for AF
const stdair::AirlineCode_T lAFAirlineCode ("AF");
const stdair::InventoryKey lAFKey (lAFAirlineCode);
myprovider::Inventory& lAFInv =
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lAFInv.describeKey(), lAFAirlineCode);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lAFInv.describeKey() == lAFAirlineCode,
"The inventory key, '" << lAFInv.describeKey()
<< "', should be equal to '" << lAFAirlineCode
<< "', but is not");
// Browse the inventories
const myprovider::InventoryList_T& lInventoryList =
stdair::BomManager::getList<myprovider::Inventory> (lBomRoot);
const std::string lInventoryKeyArray[2] = {lBAAirlineCode, lAFAirlineCode};
short idx = 0;
for (myprovider::InventoryList_T::const_iterator itInv =
lInventoryList.begin(); itInv != lInventoryList.end();
++itInv, ++idx) {
const myprovider::Inventory* lInv_ptr = *itInv;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lInventoryKeyArray[idx], lInv_ptr->describeKey());
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lInventoryKeyArray[idx] == lInv_ptr->describeKey(),
"They inventory key, '" << lInventoryKeyArray[idx]
<< "', does not match that of the Inventory object: '"
<< lInv_ptr->describeKey() << "'");
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (bom_structure_serialisation_test) {
// Backup (thanks to Boost.Serialisation) file
const std::string lBackupFilename = "StandardAirlineITTestSuite_serial.txt";
// Output log File
const std::string lLogFilename ("StandardAirlineITTestSuite_serial.log");
// Set the log parameters
std::ofstream logOutputFile;
// Open and clean the log outputfile (lLogFilename.c_str());
// Initialise the stdair BOM
const stdair::BasLogParams lLogParams (stdair::LOG::DEBUG, logOutputFile);
stdair::STDAIR_Service stdairService (lLogParams);
// Build a sample BOM tree
// Retrieve (a reference on) the top of the persistent BOM tree
stdair::BomRoot& lPersistentBomRoot = stdairService.getPersistentBomRoot();
// DEBUG: Display the whole BOM tree
const std::string& lCSVDump = stdairService.csvDisplay ();
// Clone the persistent BOM
stdairService.clonePersistentBom ();
// Retrieve the BomRoot key, and compare it to the expected one
const std::string lBAInvKeyStr ("BA");
stdair::Inventory* lBAInv_ptr =
lPersistentBomRoot.getInventory (lBAInvKeyStr);
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("There should be an Inventory object corresponding to the '"
<< lBAInvKeyStr << "' key.");
"An Inventory object should exist with the key, '"
<< lBAInvKeyStr << "'.");
// create and open a character archive for output
std::ofstream ofs (lBackupFilename.c_str());
// save data to archive
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa (ofs);
// write class instance to archive
oa << lPersistentBomRoot;
// archive and stream closed when destructors are called
// ... some time later restore the class instance to its orginal state
stdair::BomRoot& lRestoredBomRoot =
// create and open an archive for input
std::ifstream ifs (lBackupFilename.c_str());
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
// read class state from archive
ia >> lRestoredBomRoot;
// archive and stream closed when destructors are called
// DEBUG: Display the whole restored BOM tree
const std::string& lRestoredCSVDump =
// Retrieve the BomRoot key, and compare it to the expected one
const std::string& lBomRootKeyStr = lRestoredBomRoot.describeKey();
const std::string lBomRootString (" -- ROOT -- ");
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("The BOM root key is '" << lBomRootKeyStr
<< "'. It should be equal to '" << lBomRootString << "'");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lBomRootKeyStr, lBomRootString);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lBomRootKeyStr == lBomRootString,
"The BOM root key, '" << lBomRootKeyStr
<< "', should be equal to '" << lBomRootString
<< "', but is not.");
// Retrieve the Inventory
stdair::Inventory* lRestoredBAInv_ptr =
lRestoredBomRoot.getInventory (lBAInvKeyStr);
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("There should be an Inventory object corresponding to the '"
<< lBAInvKeyStr << "' key in the restored BOM root.");
"An Inventory object should exist with the key, '"
<< lBAInvKeyStr << "' in the restored BOM root.");
// Close the Log outputFile
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (bom_structure_clone_test) {
// Output log File
const std::string lLogFilename ("StandardAirlineITTestSuite_clone.log");
// Set the log parameters
std::ofstream logOutputFile;
// Open and clean the log outputfile (lLogFilename.c_str());
// Initialise the stdair BOM
const stdair::BasLogParams lLogParams (stdair::LOG::DEBUG, logOutputFile);
stdair::STDAIR_Service stdairService (lLogParams);
// Build a sample BOM tree
// Retrieve (a constant reference on) the top of the persistent BOM tree
const stdair::BomRoot& lPersistentBomRoot =
// DEBUG: Display the whole persistent BOM tree
const std::string& lCSVDump = stdairService.csvDisplay ();
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Display the persistent BOM tree.");
// Clone the persistent BOM
stdairService.clonePersistentBom ();
// Retrieve (a reference on) the top of the clone BOM tree
stdair::BomRoot& lCloneBomRoot = stdairService.getBomRoot();
// DEBUG: Display the clone BOM tree after the clone process.
const std::string& lAfterCloneCSVDump =
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Display the clone BOM tree after the clone process.");
// Retrieve the clone BomRoot key, and compare it to the persistent BomRoot
// key.
const std::string& lCloneBomRootKeyStr = lCloneBomRoot.describeKey();
const std::string& lPersistentBomRootKeyStr =
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("The clone BOM root key is '" << lCloneBomRootKeyStr
<< "'. It should be equal to '"
<< lPersistentBomRootKeyStr << "'");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lCloneBomRootKeyStr, lPersistentBomRootKeyStr);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lCloneBomRootKeyStr == lPersistentBomRootKeyStr,
"The clone BOM root key, '" << lCloneBomRootKeyStr
<< "', should be equal to '" << lPersistentBomRootKeyStr
<< "', but is not.");
// Retrieve the BA inventory in the clone BOM root
const std::string lBAInvKeyStr ("BA");
stdair::Inventory* lCloneBAInv_ptr =
lCloneBomRoot.getInventory (lBAInvKeyStr);
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("There should be an Inventory object corresponding to the '"
<< lBAInvKeyStr << "' key in the clone BOM root.");
"An Inventory object should exist with the key, '"
<< lBAInvKeyStr << "' in the clone BOM root.");
// Close the Log outputFile
// End the test suite
#else // BOOST_VERSION >= 103900
boost_utf::test_suite* init_unit_test_suite (int, char* []) {
boost_utf::test_suite* test = BOOST_TEST_SUITE ("Unit test example 1");
return test;
#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 103900